Tuesday, 22 March 2011

There Won't Be Trumpets

My latest offering to you involves an extremely quick image I made for a friend of mine, who is creating some form of zine. I had meant to spend more time on it, but alas my weekend was too good to do any so it ended up being a night-before-the-hand-in-job. Soz.

Thursday, 10 March 2011

Something's Coming (a.k.a. BOOOM Crunch)

This Monday evening is the big one. The big private view for "Chalk and Cheese", probably the greatest exhibition ever since Mario Testino at the Portrait Gallery. I'm kind of excited about seeing everyone's work together in one collective space.
But here we go people. This is what I'm putting up......

I've become quite attached to all the images I've been making recently, and I've really enjoyed making them too. The first image has a sensuality to it that i wanted to convey and the second is just as down right dirrty as I wanted. Overall I'm happy.