Tuesday, 2 August 2011

A Spark, To Pierce The Dark

I think it's about time I shared my whole Hollywood Royalty project with you. Are you sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin...

Audrey Hepburn:

Ava Gardner:

 Brigitte Bardot:

 Cary Grant:

 Clark Gable:

 Elizabeth Taylor:

 Grace Kelly:

 Greta Garbo:

 James Dean:

 Marilyn Monroe:

 Rita Hayworth:

 Rock Hudson:

 Vivien Leigh:

My Heart Belongs To Mummy

Lord knows my mother is great. I love the woman to bits but I don’t tell her as often as I should. Therefore, I am celebrating my mother, and all mothers in general, and how actually fantastic they are at their jobs. My mum loves Grace Kelly; her style and her elegance, and so I am celebrating my mother by channelling this international icon of beauty and style.