Monday, 31 January 2011

Invest In Love

Sometimes I feel like Girls Aloud will never reform. I love their music, although I did not care for "I Think We're Alone Now". And this saddens me. Like when the ship sinks in Titanic or when Edie got killed off Desperate Housewives. Honestly why kill the best character? I used to love how her legs were open most of the time that she could have actually been a bridge across the lane, to stop children getting run down and the like. That would have been helpful. I did this image while probably listening to Girls Aloud and thus I'm actually pleased with the result.

It is made up from 25 different segments (20 in the head piece, 2 yellow lines, the ribbon, the body and the purple bottle). I like to describe it as something kinda oooooh.

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