Sunday, 23 October 2011

Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?

Again, I am sorry for not posting but I thought I would give you the chance to miss me for a while. This lovely lady is Eurydice, who was lost to the Underworld from her love Orpheus, who proceeded to travel down there to get her back. 

It's been a while since I did this image and now I'm feeling the absence of constant image making in my life. I plan to overcome this by perhaps adding more to my Hollywood project with stars that I didn't get round to doing because quite frankly they were cut from the editorial. Hopefully this will stop me from being quite so bored that jsdbavjdshbjbhjfffffdkmsnjbds oops, sorry, it happened again. My head hit the keyboard because I was that bored to death by myself.
Time to get hella wasted.

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